Books we Use for Our Homeschool

 These are the books and classes we are using for our homeschool for each year. I’ll update it and add to it as our kids get older. Quite a lot of these books are available online as PDF or epub books for free or at a very low cost so we’re able to print them out instead of having the books shipped from the states (which is super expensive!). These are ones that we plan on using...of course, each term some of the books are swapped because we either finish a book faster than planned or we find a different book to use for that particular thing. Something I do too while all of my kids are young is that we do some of our books as story time in the evenings: Monday we do a fairy tale, Tuesday we do a fable (usually Aesop's Fables or something along those lines), Wednesday we do poetry- either poems in English or a poem in Chinese. Spring 2021

Kindergarten (Done Spring 2021): We do some games with letters, do designs with shapes (Patternables is great for this!), read books aloud, do some map tracing (because my daughter loves it!), draw pictures, learn about animals, and spend lots of time outside. Some authors we enjoy for picture books are: Pamella Allen (esp. her Waddle Giggle Gargle about a Magpie bird), Peggy Rathmann, David MacCauley (my son really likes the Underground book). We also read many of the Beatrix Potter books.

1st grade (done Spring 2021): Geography (Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography book (Lessons 1-11), Home Geography for Primary Grades by C. C. Long available on Gutenberg, and map tracing. We’ve done China, the world, and US map tracing, one per semester, one time a week), Chinese history ( History of China’s Stories (Yao the Great, Shun the Great, and Yu the Great), China’s Architectural Stories (the first 4 stories), ancient Chinese history for kids (first chapter- the Xia and Shang dynasties), Stories of Kids in China’s History (the first 3 stories), American History (American History Stories, Volume 1 (Pages 1-23), World History (A Child’s History of the World chapters 1-13), 50 Famous Stories Retold, 30 Famous People), Nature Study (We did a book about frogs, looked at birds and mushrooms), Chinese Language (we use the Learning Characters using the Charlotte Mason Method, available as pdf on this website, we do one story per term, 3 terms per semester), English Language (Bob Books), Math (Family Math is one of our favorites, by Jean Kerr Stenmark, Virignia Thompson, and Ruth Cossey, and we plan to use Mammoth Math later on, which you can print up as PDFs online, saving us from shipping math books from overseas), Literature (The Arnold Lobel Book of Mother Goose, Aesop’s Fables with pics by Milo Winter, Usborne Illustrated Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Hans Christian Andersons’ Fairy Tales, and The Random House Book of Fairy Tales), Read Alouds (we did a few so far: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Peter Pan, The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe, Doctor Dolittle, and a few others), Swedish Drills (something we started this year and LOVE), Poetry (both in English and in Chinese. This year we went through When We Were Very Young and Now We are Six, both by A. A. Milne as well as a Chinese poems), Animals, Music Study (we follow Ambleside Online’s recommendations), and Picture Study (right now we follow Ambleside Online’s picture study artists but we might swap in some Chinese artists in the future).

2st grade (done 2022): Geography (Where’s the Yellow River? A book about the physical geography of China, Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography book (Lessons 12-28), Highroads of Geography available on Gutenberg, and map tracing. We’ve done China (with the mountains and rivers), Asia, and US map (with the mountains and rivers) tracing, one per semester, one time a week), Chinese history (Storybook of China, chapters 14-23, and picture books related to this time period), American History (American History Stories, Volume 2, World History (A Child’s History of the World (chapters 48-59), Nature Study (Christian Liberty Nature Reader Book 1, and Birds of Asia For Kids), Chinese Language (we use the Learning Characters using the Charlotte Mason Method, available as pdf on this website, we do one story per term, 3 terms per semester), English Language (a variety of books), Math (Mammoth Math, which you can print up as PDFs online, saving us from shipping math books from overseas), Literature (Pilgrim’s Progress, Usborn Illustrated Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Hans Christian Andersons’ Fairy Tales, and The Random House Book of Fairy Tales), Read Alouds (I have a few I want to do this year: Shao Kang (a book I wrote), The Railway Children by Edith Nesbitt, Mary Poppins, maybe one of Laura Ingalls Wilder books, and maybe some Beverly Clearly books), Swedish Drills (something we started this year and LOVE), Poetry (we follow the recommended poetry from Ambleside Online. I wrote short biographies and just printed out the poems from there.), Music Study (we follow Ambleside Online’s recommendations), and Picture Study (right now we follow Ambleside Online’s picture study artists but we might swap in some Chinese artists in the future), Recitation (hymns, poetry, and Bible)

3rd grade (done July 2022): Geography (we're doing some map work and questions with the provinces in China. We might do American Geography next year), Chinese history (Storybook of China, a few chapters- from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty or around there) and picture books related to this time period), American History (American History Stories, Volume 3), World History (A Child’s History of the World, a few chapters), Nature Study (Animals of Asia for Kids), Chinese Language (the kids' dad teaches them), English Language (s), Math (We do Beauty and Truth Math and LOVE it), Literature (Fairy Tales, Fables, and some other books), Read Alouds (we usually do lots of read alouds- I hope this year to do Alice in Wonderland and a few others), Swedish DrillsPoetry (we're doing a poetry anthology), Music Study (we follow Ambleside Online’s recommendations), and Picture Study (right now we follow Ambleside Online’s picture study artists but are changing one of the artists for Tang Dynasty artists for the first term), Recitation (hymns, poetry, and Bible), Spanish (started in 3rd term)

4th Grade (done June 2023): Geography (learning the continents and reviewing the names of the oceans, Oregon history and geography), Chinese history (Storybook of China, a few chapters- from the Yuan Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty and modern history, and picture books related to this time period), American History (American History Stories, Volume 4), World History (A Child’s History of the World, a few chapters), Nature Study (Animals of Asia for Kids), Chinese Language (the kids' dad teaches them), English Language (s), Math (We do Beauty and Truth math and LOVE it), Literature (Shakespeare- I'm so excited! This year we're doing The Merchant of Venice, The Tempest, and The Comedy of Errors), Read Alouds (we usually do lots of read alouds), Swedish Drills, Folk DancingPoetry (we're following Ambleside Online's recommendation: Alfred Lord Tennyson, Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson), Music Study (we follow Ambleside Online’s recommendations), and Picture Study (Georgia O-Keefe, Claude Monet, and Georges Sereut), Recitation (hymns, poetry, Bible, and Shakespeare), Spanish (Jack and the Beanstalk and 2 other stories that I haven't chosen yet)

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