Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Rose Seeds

 Every year for the last 7 or more years I've gone around our apartment complex, cutting the rose hips this time of year. They don't regularly cut the roses during the year so this time of year the roses are all gone and the rose hips have turned orange. That means that they are full of seeds. I wasn't going to collect them this year because we are moving soon, but I thought the seeds might make great going away gifts for a few close friends who like to garden. 

These are some of the rose hips cut and some of the seeds I collected. It's a bit of work getting the seeds out. They need to "sleep" for the winter before they can sprout so I normally put them in a ziplock bag with a little wet dirt and put them in the fridge. Around January they start sprouting in the bag and then February or so I can transplant the seedlings to pots to grow. I love watching the seeds sprout. It's like magic! 

Something else we noticed in the wall in our backyard are some little cocoons from an unknown insect. One of them was covered over with more dirt and the other wasn't. You can see the spots where they came out of the cocoons. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Nature Study in the Fall

 A few days ago we spent some time in the backyard drawing leaves and walnuts (some of which had fallen and started to sprout!). It was so nice! We haven't been able to be out in the yard like this for a while because it was hot (with lots of mosquitos) in the summer, and then we had about 3 weeks of off and on rain. It was really great to be drawing outside with the kids- one of my favorite things! 

Last week we also saw some corn that someone had hung out in their yard to dry. However, with all the rain, the kernels on the corn started to sprout!

Apple Pressing

The local museum has a day in the year when people can bring in their apples to press into apple cider (apple juice). Today was that day and...