Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Summer Swimming

 We've been on summer break almost 3 weeks (or has it been 4 weeks?). It's been a really nice summer break. The last few weeks have been super hot- in the 90ies and often with humidity. For me, the humidity really drains my energy! We're SO thankful we have a 1st floor apt. with a yard so we can have a small swimming pool. It's been such a great way for the kids to stay cool and exercise in the summer (and work on their swimming skills!). It's also nice to be on the 1st floor because it's not nearly as hot as the upper floors. 

We have a few summer goals: getting each of the kids in the kitchen cooking and baking with me more (something I always want to do in the school year and I do, but not as often as I want to so summertime is a great time to focus on it), working with clay, doing a memory and blindfold tasting game to work on developing their senses (they love these games and it's something I want to do more often but run out of time for so, again, summer time is a great time to do them!), and some handicrafts. The kids have enjoyed having their friends over often and even sleepovers! They just started having sleepovers and LOVE it! There's another family that have 2 boys and 1 girl, similar ages to our kids and they've done a few sleepovers lately. The picture is a park that is probably super busy on the weekends but since we homeschool (and since the other kids are still in school), we can go when it's not crowded (which is SO nice!).

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

A Visit to the Aquarium

 We went to the aquarium today as an end of the school year treat. We finished our school year yesterday- it's nice to have a break. For summer, we'll still do our read alouds and I plan to cook and bake with the kids more individually, which we should have time for in the summer.

Apple Pressing

The local museum has a day in the year when people can bring in their apples to press into apple cider (apple juice). Today was that day and...