Sunday, October 13, 2024

Apple Pressing

The local museum has a day in the year when people can bring in their apples to press into apple cider (apple juice). Today was that day and it was lots of fun. They also had a pie contest; we entered a pie but didn't get any prize. There were over 25 pies! The kids have loved the apple juice from today. Each of the kids got to take turns trying to press the apples to get the juice out of it.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Stopping by the river

 Since we live in a small town sometimes we have to drive to a bigger town close by for things like dentist appointments. Today was one of those days. It's a 2 hour drive both ways and on the way back we decided to stop by the Smith River. The drive itself is gorgeous- driving through the redwoods and mountains. My eldest sometimes gets car sick with all of the turns, but we've realized that if we have a good meal before we go, it helps a lot. On the way back we stopped at the Smith River. The kids caught a frog and got to explore a bit. It was so beautiful! 

Apple Pressing

The local museum has a day in the year when people can bring in their apples to press into apple cider (apple juice). Today was that day and...