Saturday, September 30, 2023

Updated list of Chinese Books

 I just updated the page on this blog about books in Chinese about Chinese history. These are books that we have and we wanted to share the titles with you. Sometimes it's hard to find great books in Chinese about Chinese history and I hope this is a great way to help you get started on finding some great books in Chinese. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Ideas for Learning about Current Events

 I recently wrote an article for the INK Newspaper website (INK- the Illustrated Newspaper for Kids). I thought it might be good to re-post it here: 

Ideas for Learning About Current Events

Before we get started, I want to quote from an article called “The Teaching of Contemporary History” by R. A. Pennethorne, published in the Parent’s Review, Volume 12, 1902, pages 272-277

  • Now every argument for the teaching of history as a whole applies doubly to the history of our own times. We who are taking our part, however humbly or obscurely, in the ‘edifying’ or building up of this world in any direction, cannot do so except on those foundations and beginnings made before us.
  • No great movement, no convulsion of nations or of society is sudden; the causes of today’s events must be sought, not only in last year’s, but in yesterday’s, and today’s doings are profoundly affecting tomorrow.
  • How much better too can we understand the full meaning of past events when we study present results.
  • No deed or event is an end in itself, no settlement is final; all are progressing towards some end and are means by which it may be attained, but "the end is not yet.”
  • It must, however, be acknowledge that there are difficulties to be taken into serious consideration if we decide upon giving definite instruction on the course of current events. To go no further than the effect upon the child’s nervous system; everyone knows that the remote horror which happens “hundreds of years ago” is much less alarming to children than something which happened “only yesterday,” for their ideas of time and space are vague and if tragedies befell somewhere yesterday, why not here “today?” argues the child. 
  • What we have to do, however, is to give our children what is generally believed to be true, but at the same time never let them think that the judgment of the moment is necessarily final or infallible. We must refrain from the tempting wiles of gossip, especially about living persons who occupy great positions, either from worth, genius, or inherited power.
  • Much may be done by rational conversation and by letting the children listen to their elders when they are talking of affairs of the moment. Much, too, might be done by even one lesson a week in school or at home, if time could not be spared for more. 

Here are some ideas to help you dig deeper into the news and current events. 

  1. Anytime a country is mentioned and you can’t think of where it is, you should look it up on the world map. Think through what you know about that country already.
  2. If a country is often in the news, then you can take a closer look at that country. For example, sometimes things in the news have to do with something that happened before. What happened before? You might have to learn a bit of history to understand current events. 
  3. You can write an article as if you were a news reporter. 
  4. “Eyewitness Account.” Put yourself somewhere in a news’ story. Let’s say there was a big earthquake. What would it have been like to have been there when the earthquake happened? Do you think your house would still be standing? Where would you go if an earthquake happens?
  5. Draw a picture of one of the stories in the news.
  6. Pretend that you are old and you’re telling your grandkids about something you heard in the news growing up. One example of this was living through the COVID 19 pandemic. What would you tell your grandkids about it?
  7. Choose something that’s going on in the news and look at it from both sides. For example, if two countries are arguing over who gets to use the water in a certain lake, then think through what arguments both countries might have for using the water. 
  8. Pretend that you are a news reporter and have to interview someone that was there when something happened. Choose an article in the paper or a story in the news and put together a list of questions that you might ask someone (who would you interview?) if you were a journalist. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Tea and Coffee Around The World

I just finished another book. It's available on the INK Website here (look under "resources") and will soon be available on the Living Book Press website. I love tea and coffee and it's fun to hear about how tea and coffee are enjoyed around the world. It was a fun book to do the research for and to write. Here's the description for the book: 

This book explores tea and coffee cultures around the world as well as the history of tea and coffee and how they are made. This book is a fun way to learn geography and read about some of the people (and drinks people enjoy) around the world. 

Monday, September 18, 2023


 We went to Shanghai for a few days to renew the kids' passports and had a few other things to do. We did some sightseeing though: Saturday we went to Ignatius Catholic Church which was built in the early 1900s. They had some gorgeous stained glass windows! Today we went to a water village, but it was really hot and humid. We didn't think Shanghai would be so hot this time of year and can imagine how hot and humid it gets in the summer.

Apple Pressing

The local museum has a day in the year when people can bring in their apples to press into apple cider (apple juice). Today was that day and...