Friday, June 23, 2023

Day at the park

 The other day we went to the park. We haven't gone to the park in a long time because of the rain but now summer has come and it's getting hot! We went out the other day before in the morning before it got hot in the afternoon. 

Friday, June 16, 2023

Homeschool Planning

I thought I'd work on some homeschool planning for the fall so I won't do it last minute right before school starts. We plan to start our school year the 2nd or 3rd week of August. I LOVE homeschool planning; I get excited seeing what books we're going to go through. I've also added to the page with the books we use for our homeschool 4th grade, because that's the school year my oldest will be in this fall. I'll have a kindergarten student (it's such a fun school year!), a 2nd grade student, and a 4th grade student. 

Monday, June 5, 2023

New Books

I just finished 2 books:

Animals of South America for Kids

Follow Pedro (a fictional character) as he learns about 15 different animals and tries to choose one to write his report about. As he talks about each animal, he gives clues so you can try and figure out which animal he chooses. His school report is included at the end. Some animals that are talked about are: parrots, the black-footed booby, alpacas, Galapagos tortoises, sloths, and the Amazon river dolphin. 

Our Island Story Continued (The Last 100 Plus Years)

This book picks up right where Our Island Story (by H.E.Marshall) stopped, in 1900. Included are 25 chapters that go through World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and recent history (even recent events like King Charles III’s coronation in May 2023). This book tells history through stories and includes first hand accounts as well as famous poems and pictures. There’s a huge section at the back for notes and sources. 

They are both available on the INK website ( and will soon be available at the Living Book Press. I'm excited about them and hope they're a big help for families (including my own down the road!). 


Apple Pressing

The local museum has a day in the year when people can bring in their apples to press into apple cider (apple juice). Today was that day and...