Saturday, September 24, 2022

Into the school year

 Ok, so we've actually finished our 6th week of school already! Usually we take 1 week off after every 6 weeks but this time we're going to do 7 week so that our 1 week off corresponds to a national one week holiday here. "1 week holiday" sounds nice, but when there are so many people (over a billion!), that means that the parks, vacation places, museums, restaurants, etc... are all super crowded. We'll be staying clear from parks and places like that and enjoying time with friends instead. I've included some pictures of our homeschool year so far. It's going well; I really love homeschooling! 

At one of our fav. parks

We got a milk foaming machine so we can make fancy coffee at home.

Nature study (one of my fav. classes!)

Flowers in the park

Apple Pressing

The local museum has a day in the year when people can bring in their apples to press into apple cider (apple juice). Today was that day and...