Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Snow

 We got some Christmas snow and the snowflakes were big enough to see the beautiful designs. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


 This might be an unusual post for December, the holiday season, but it's also birthday time for our family! All three of my kids have December and January birthdays. This year we decided to make homemade pinatas. You can buy a piñata (or so I've heard you could) here in Asia, but we decided to make our own. My daughter is having a Frozen themed birthday party, my youngest son is having a Paw Patrol birthday party, and my oldest son is having a magic themed birthday so his is a card (for a card magic trick). It was my first time doing a piñata from start to finish and I really enjoyed it! The kids had fun making them too and are so excited to fill them with candy and hit them during their birthday parties! Can you guess how old my son is turning (the piñata of the card)?

Apple Pressing

The local museum has a day in the year when people can bring in their apples to press into apple cider (apple juice). Today was that day and...